How to help?
   Anyone who wants to help can shoot pictures and/or video clips of the water catchments uploaded on the platform.
   Before a site visit, please read carefully: How to take pictures and videos?

   If you are going to visit a water catchment which is already shot - it is best to check the previous status of the catchment at its last inspection.   In order for pictures to be of some use - there must be a change in the status, no matter for the better or for worse.

   Photos and videos will only be used if they are from riverside facilities. Some coordinates on the map show water collectors, equalizers, etc., to which the water is brought by pipelines from water catchments on the rivers. Only pictures of the water catchments can be usefull.

   Always send us the pictures with the specific name and ID number of the HPP and the date of the visit. If an HPP operates with more than one water catchment - please specify which one do the pictures show.

   Information can be sent to:
   The coordinates submitted by the Basin Directorates have errors - we do not guarantee they are correct.
   There are operational HPPs without coordinates on the list. There are a few operational HPPs that are not uploaded on the platform. New HPPs are being set into operation, but the process is running out of steam nowadays... 
   Some coordinates on the map show water collectors, equalizers, etc., to which the water is brought from water catchments on the rivers by pipelines.

   During a visit check the coordinates, please.
   If there still is any inaccuracy, please send us the water catchments exact GPS coordinates.

   A list of the discovered errors we have identified so far can be found in: Detected errors

Page last modified on 20.10.2017 10:42